The Biggest Mistake Companies Make In Their Video Marketing

One video for everything they do!

That’s it! That’s the biggest mistake companies make in their video marketing. One video that, on the surface, speaks to different people with different needs and grabs no specific, individual demographic. This is great for your website, as a general welcome video, but does very little in the way of “effective selling”.  The alternative is several short videos, each laser focused on reaching and relating to a specific demographic coupled with targeted social media ad placement. For example, a chiropractor may produce a 30-60 second video on lower back pain, targeted to nurses within a 15 miles radius, another 30 second video on neck stiffness targeted to mechanics, another on the after effects of a car accident, targeted to people who have posted the words “collision”, “hit and run”, “accident”, and “personal injury lawyer”. In each of your targeted videos, SPEAK directly only to the individual person that has that particular problem or need. This is how you grab their attention! 

Now go make some videos, you freaks! 

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Neil Ebanks

Neil Ebanks has specialized in production as long as he can remember.... and that's not long, because his memory sucks! His company, Nashville Video Marketing specializes in producing videos that make an impact.